Materials you might need for
an Expressive Art Therapy Session On-Line

With ArtFull therapy online, your space will be your studio. You can use any materials you already have. We will discuss which art modalities you prefer at our first session and this will inform us on what supplies you may need. I would recommend some basic visual arts materials such as paper and drawing medium. Drawing mediums can be pencils, pens, markers, pastels, and paint. With somatic, body-based modalities, materials are not required. Writing requires pen and paper. With music and rhythm, a lot can be improvised. 

If you decide you want to use visual art materials and you do not have supplies in your space, I can recommend supplies that can be picked up at a local art store or Dollarama.

Below are sample kits I can offer at cost and have them delivered to your door. Shipping cost not included with prices below.

Starter Kit

Contains Sketch pad and colored pencils (at Dollarama)= $6


Explorer Visual Art Kit

Contains colored markers and oil pastels (Pastels available at DeSerres) = $10


Explore More Visual Art Kit

Contains paint and plasticine= $10

Explore More.PNG